Honor Revealed

November 3, 2024
Our new identity in Christ calls us to live in a way that stands out, even when those around us might not share our values. Whether at work, with family,…
We've all faced relational conflicts—whether as a toddler scrapping over toys, as a teenager feeling left out, or as an adult butting heads with coworkers and family members. Paul’s going…

The Pursued

June 5, 2022
We pursue what's valuable to us. However, with God, we don’t pursue him first, but rather Jesus first pursues us. Christian Siania – Hosea 1:1-2:1

Today, Find New Life

March 27, 2022
Doesn't everyone want life? Doesn't everything but Jesus ultimately let us down? Christian Siania – Luke 20:27-47

Go in Power

September 26, 2021
Jesus empowered us to go in power. So let's go! Christian Siania – Luke 11:14-36
Faith is thinking accurately on who God is and trusting His word. But faith isn’t something we can conjure up. Rather, it must be given to us. Christian Siania –…
Disappointment can crush your faith in God or make you question him. But disappointment's also an opportunity for your faith to grow and see God's power at work. Christian Siania…

Focus on Your Work

July 19, 2020
Don't be concerned with things that don't matter. Rather, focus on speaking the truth in loving gentleness. Because God builds His kingdom while working in you. Christian Siania – 2…

Jesus the Mighty God

December 15, 2019
Do you want to be made well? The only way to be made well is if your hope is in Jesus Christ, the Mighty God of compassion and victory over…
Being focused on yourself will make you isolated and feel alone. But there is a better way. And there is one who will not forsake you. Christian Siania – Ecclesiastes…
Yes, God is in control over all of our earthly time, but still there is much evil in the world. How do we respond to that? Christian Siania – Ecclesiastes…