John Hahn - Revelation 12: John witnesses a cosmic battle. There’s a woman who represents God’s people and a child who is Jesus. Jesus, along with the angels defeat the Dragon…
Matt Dirks - Revelation 11: John is told about two witnesses who represent God’s people. They are given authority to do powerful signs, but they also experience intense persecution and death.…
Matt Dirks - Revelation 10: A high ranking angel gives John a little scroll to eat. John’s told to ingest the bitter-sweet message, and then proclaim it to the world.
Matt Dirks - Revelation 8-9: In these chapters, John sees the seven trumpets of judgment executed on one-third of the earth. Each judgment intensifies from the other.
John Hahn - Revelation 7: In this chapter, John witnesses the confident and celebratory people of God, praising Jesus for his protection during the Great Tribulation.
Matt Dirks - Revelation 6: During turbulent times, Jesus is the one who gives us the victory.
Matt Dirks - Revelation 5
Matt Dirks - Revelation 4: John was given supernatural sight to see heaven and symbols that described the throne room of God, where John saw angels and God’s people worshiping the…
Matt Dirks - Revelation 3: Jesus continues to call the church’s to repent in specific areas of their life and to see the opportunities God has placed before them.
John Hahn - Revelation 2 Jesus is sending a message to seven churches in Asia Minor, modern day Turkey. In these letters he commends their strengths and addresses their weaknesses,…
Matt Dirks - Revelation 1:9-20
Matt Dirks - Revelation 1:1-8