Victory Over the Dragon

November 27, 2022
John Hahn - Revelation 12: John witnesses a cosmic battle. There’s a woman who represents God’s people and a child who is Jesus. Jesus, along with the angels defeat the Dragon…

Victory for the Victims

November 20, 2022
Matt Dirks - Revelation 11: John is told about two witnesses who represent God’s people. They are given authority to do powerful signs, but they also experience intense persecution and death.…
Matt Dirks - Revelation 10: A high ranking angel gives John a little scroll to eat. John’s told to ingest the bitter-sweet message, and then proclaim it to the world.
Matt Dirks - Revelation 8-9: In these chapters, John sees the seven trumpets of judgment executed on one-third of the earth. Each judgment intensifies from the other.

The Victory is Secure

October 30, 2022
John Hahn - Revelation 7: In this chapter, John witnesses the confident and celebratory people of God, praising Jesus for his protection during the Great Tribulation.
Matt Dirks - Revelation 4: John was given supernatural sight to see heaven and symbols that described the throne room of God, where John saw angels and God’s people worshiping the…
Matt Dirks - Revelation 3: Jesus continues to call the church’s to repent in specific areas of their life and to see the opportunities God has placed before them.

The Victory For Sinners

September 25, 2022
John Hahn - Revelation 2 Jesus is sending a message to seven churches in Asia Minor, modern day Turkey. In these letters he commends their strengths and addresses their weaknesses,…