John Hahn - Isaiah 61:1-9: A flower that never blooms and fruit that never ripens are reminders that we live in an imperfect world, and it can feel disappointing, even…

Anticipate Rest

April 16, 2023
Matt Dirks - Isaiah 50:4-11: It seems like everyone’s tired right now. Everything that was canceled or delayed during COVID is dropping on us all at once. Our schedules seem…

Anticipate Life

April 9, 2023
Matt Dirks-Isaiah 53:10-12: The followers of Jesus saw him do some amazing things, but nobody saw him rise from the dead. Why? Because what’s most amazing isn’t the resurrection itself,…
Matt Dirks-Isaiah 53:1-10: Atonement is one of those big theological words that every Christian knows but few really understand. Atonement is the incredibly good news of how Jesus took our…
John Hahn- Isaiah 42:1-9: When we think about justice, we tend to focus on the aspect of judging the wrongdoer. But the other side of justice is restoring the bruised…