A Journey Group is a group of 3-5 men or women who are committed to growing in their relationship with God together. The goal is to create relationships that are centered on discipleship, which means helping each other become more like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Want to join a journey group? Talk to your community group leader or email us.
Journey Group Meeting Outline
God is working in every one of our lives in ways that are better than we deserve, and we want to celebrate that. Don’t rush this. Think, share, and listen to the ways that God continues to display evidences of His grace.
Spend time praising God for the ways he’s been working in your lives. Then before you open the Bible, make sure to pray. God told us that the Holy Spirit will guide us to truth as we read his Word. In John 16 Jesus says, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. For he will not speak on his own, but he will speak whatever he hears.” So ask the Spirit to guide you into truth.
In John 8, Jesus says to a group of people who put their faith in him: “If you continue in my word, you really are my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” So each time you gather, spend time in God’s Word together.
Discuss these 4 questions for each passage:
- Who is God? How do we see his character or nature in this passage? Our God is Triune and has incredible attributes that he wants us to see. What does your passage say about who he is, or how does the story reveal his character and nature?
- What has God done? Jesus is the hero and main character of the Bible. His person and work is revealed everywhere. Look for references to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
- Who are we? What do you see about your identity? What’s true about the people of God?
- How do we live? In light of who God is, what he’s done, and who we are, how would it change how you live your life?
As the Holy Spirit reveals the truth of God’s Word, we need to repent of how we’ve failed to live by that truth, and believe the truth together. Spend time praying for one another in light of the passage that you studied.