As we gather on Sunday mornings, here are some health and safety guidelines we’re following:
- Masks are required for all attendees.
- We encourage people to offer friendly shakas in place of handshakes.
- Chairs and rows are spaced so each person is seated 6 feet away from anyone not in their immediate family. You have the option of worshiping either upstairs in the Auditorium (with AC!), or downstairs on the Lanai (with lots of fresh air and ventilation!) during both services.
- All public spaces are sanitized before each service.
- Pre-packaged communion elements will be available.
- Greeters will dispense hand sanitizer to each person as they enter.
- To protect your family’s health, we encourage you to check-in using the Harbor App (search for Harbor Church Hawaii on the iOS or Android app store). This will allow us to get word out very quickly in case of an infection.
- We ask anyone who feels sick in any way (not just COVID symptoms) to stay home.