Those who trust in the Lord
will renew their strength.
(Isaiah 40:31)

Life as we know it has radically changed. This is an opportunity for us to reset our rhythms and renew our strength through deepened trust in God. These daily practices will help.

1. Be quiet.

Start the day in quiet prayer and scripture reading (like the Psalms) before checking the news or social media. Before you start hearing the day’s bad news, get the good news. Simply start the day in quiet with God.

2. Give thanks.

Make it a habit to reflect on the ways God has displayed his goodness and grace in the past day. Write them down each morning, or share with your family around the dinner table in the evening.

3. Exercise.

While maintaining proper social distancing, exercise or go for a walk through your neighborhood. Prioritizing physical health will help you maintain emotional and spiritual health.

4. Stay in touch.

Establish a relational touch point with a close friend, family member. This time is an opportunity to draw closer in relationships through technology, not grow more distant.

5. Get focused.

Counter your new constantly-multi-tasking life by finding an activity where you can give your complete focus without getting distracted or worrying about the conditions of the outside world. Think gardening, cooking, reading, art, chess, etc.

6. Limit news.

Breaking news comes hourly, but we’re not designed to process that kind of stress for long. Limit your news intake to two times daily. Consider setting an alarm for once in the morning and once in the evening.

7. Stay in community.

Connect with a community-group or small-group on Zoom. Make a commitment to be there and to show up ready to care for others.

8. Escape from escapism.

During this time it’s very easy to indulge in escapist behaviors. Limit your intake of things like alcohol, social media, television, sugar, staying up late, etc.

9. Pray with others.

We want to see God heal people on our island and restore the world around us. Join us as we pray every Sunday and Wednesday on Zoom.

10. Remember the Sabbath.

Practice a Sabbath (24 hours away from your regular work). And gather with us online every Sunday at 10am on Youtube or Facebook as we worship Jesus, learn from God’s word, and receive the power of the Spirit.