We’re all saddened by the tragedy on Maui, and we want to know how we can respond. First and foremost we need to pray for the affected families, and for the churches and Christians on Maui who are already ministering to those in need. God is sovereign, and he will use this for our good and his glory. In addition, we have an opportunity for practical response:
Many agencies and organizations are coming to Maui and doing great work, but many of those organizations will be gone in 12 months. We’re partnering with local churches on Maui and the EFCA Crisis Response Team (who is still on the ground ministering following the fire in Paradise CA) to create a strategy for long-term ministry.
We hope to provide long-term physical, emotional, and spiritual assistance to people who will be displaced for a number of years. There will be needs for counseling, legal assistance, and construction help. You can support this ministry by giving to the Maui Relief Fund.
100% of your donations will go to Maui and the strategic long-term work of churches there to bring healing and hope to broken families and communities.
Tap the button below, then tap Honolulu campus, then tap Maui Relief Fund. Mahalo!