Ask Pastor Matt
The Bible talks about the soul, spirit, and heart. What’s the difference?
There are many places in Scripture where we’re commanded to love God with all our heart/mind/soul/strength. And many Christians try to nail down precise definitions of what each of those things represents. Some even try to debate whether we’re made of two parts (body...
How do you know if you should go one way or another in life?
Many Christians use the idea of open doors and closed doors to evaluate what we should do and where we should go. We assume that if a door is open we should walk through it. And if a door is closed we should give up on it. But it’s a little more complicated than that....
Is sinning okay if you were sinning for the right reason?
"Sometimes you need to choose between the lesser of two evils." “It’s OK to lie if it's the only way to help someone." "The ends justify the means if you're doing it for God." I've heard all those statements over the years. And many people point to Rahab as the...
What’s the significance of the Harbor Church logo?
When we planted Harbor in 2005, we wanted to come up with a logo that communicated what we seek to be: small boats that are brought by Jesus out of the stormy seas into the safe harbor of God's grace, equipped to go back out to cross big oceans and make a difference...
What do people do in hell?
Many of the passages in the Bible that describe hell only give us vague and often metaphorical descriptions. We hear about the environment in hell: Those sent to hell are outside (Matthew 8:12) Shut out from the presence of the Lord (2 Thessalonians 1:9). Hell is a...
How do I choose the “right” church for me?
When you’re looking for a church, you'll be tempted to find a congregation with people who are similar to you. Similar age. Similar cultural background. Similar education and status. Similar politics. It just makes life easier to be around people who we naturally vibe...
Why do I still wrestle with doubt if I’m a Christian?
A few years ago, I asked Harbor attenders to let me know about some of the doubts they have about God. They were honest and heartfelt in their responses. One person said, “I doubt God’s patience.” Another, “I doubt that God actually hears my prayers and that he’ll...
Outside the Gospels, how do we know that Jesus actually resurrected from the dead?
If you’re trying to help a friend understand the reality and significance of the resurrection, the gospels present the best insights because they place the resurrection of Jesus in the context of the life, teachings, ministry, death, and ascension of Jesus. If your...
How do I start dating after a divorce?
Divorce is a heart-wrenching experience. Every one of us has been touched by it, either personally, through our parents, or through someone else who’s close. Even God has experienced divorce: In Jeremiah 3, God says he had to send Israel away with a certificate of...
Should we sing songs created by churches who act contrary to the gospel?
There are strong Christians on both sides of this question, but when you dig into the songs we sing on Sundays, you’ll see we feel free to use songs associated with movements that don’t align with our beliefs. There aren’t many movements that completely do. Instead,...