Ask Pastor Matt
Did Jesus have a sin nature?
There are two questions every Christian needs to think through: If Jesus is fully man, does he have a sin nature? And if he’s fully God, could he even be tempted by sin? The writer of Hebrews answered those questions. “We do not have a high priest who is unable to...
I know God has a purpose for my pain. What if I’m still depressed?
As many have said, the longest journey we will ever take as humans is those 18 inches from our head to our heart. There are so many things we know, but struggle to fully believe and apply. David found himself in that situation as he wrote Psalm 42. He’s writing during...
What does it mean to boast in our weaknesses like Paul?
When Paul wrote the letter we call 2 Corinthians, weakness was on his mind. Paul’s authority was being attacked by leaders in the Corinthian church who also claimed to be apostles. And surprisingly, Paul agrees with nearly all of their accusations! He really is as...
How should Christians approach the election?
Every four years, things get crazy. With the blaring news alerts and hysterical posts pushing us to support or oppose some group, candidate, or policy, it's easy to forget that we as Christians have an allegiance to Christ and his kingdom more than any current or...
Is there a daily devotional reading or app you recommend?
We always encourage the Harbor Ohana to spend time with Jesus on a daily basis. There are three disciplines to encounter Jesus that I pursue every day: Reading God's Word — sometimes large chunks of Scripture, sometimes just a few verses a day. I want to ingest God's...
What does it mean to “fear God?”
All through the Bible, we're told to fear God. And we instinctively flinch when we read it. Fear is a negative thing, right? Why would anyone want to draw near to a God who only wants to instill fear in us? Well, there’s a difference between fearing God and being in...
What does it mean to be “evangelical”?
Over the past few decades, the term “evangelical” has become primarily a political label in America. It’s become a group of people who are defined by what they are against: abortion, LGBTQ rights, immigration, environmentalism, and in the past few years, masks and...
Should Christians do yoga?
I know plenty of Christians who do yoga or tai chi exclusively for the health benefits. They ignore the spirituality that surrounds it, and focus only on the strength, balance, flexibility, and calm it can bring through the isotonic/isometric exercise. But it’s...
Can people of other religions still go to heaven?
There are millions of people around the world who have sincerely-held religious beliefs that might, at first glance, seem to be compatible with Christianity. Every religion preaches the “golden rule” of doing to others what we would want done to ourselves. Every...
How do I get over resentment toward someone who hurt me?
As the great theologian Wesley said in The Princess Bride, “Life is pain. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.” We all get hurt. All the time. In big and small ways. Maybe someone said something you didn’t like. Maybe it wasn’t really even directed...