Glory Revealed

Week of December 8
1 Peter 5:1-11


  • Describe a time when you had a “brush with glory.” A time when you met someone famous, or were part of something significant.

We’re all looking for glory. Peter says we can find it when we share in the glory of Christ.

  • Read 1 Peter 5:1. Peter connects glory to sharing in the suffering of Christ. Can you share a time when you experienced God’s majesty, beauty, or power during a time of suffering?
  • Read 5:2-4. Peter’s speaking directly to elders, but we’re all called to be leaders in one way or another (Col 3:16). We receive glory when we live as examples to others. Who’s the greatest example of Christ-like living you know personally?
  • Read 5:5-6. Most Christians know that glory comes through humility. We all try to appear humble, but sometimes we settle for substitutes like quietness, lack of conviction, living simply, self-sufficiency. Do you lean toward any of those humility-substitutes?
  • Read 5:7. What’s a care, concern, or anxiety that you’re having trouble giving to God right now?
  • Read 5:8-9. We resist the devil through daily dependence on God. What makes it difficult for you to spend time in prayer and Bible study?
  • Read 5:10-11. Which one of the promises here is most encouraging to you right now? Peter says God will…
    • Restore — make you whole and complete.
    • Establish — give you his stamp of approval.
    • Strengthen — make you strong as a lion.
    • Support — give you a firm foundation

Action Step

  • What steps will you take to be dependent on God in prayer and his word every day this week?

Prayer Step

  • What’s one way you’ve been seeking glory lately? In your work or school? In your family or friend-group? Pray for God to help you find glory in him rather than that place.