Week of November 24
1 Peter 4:1-11
- What are some items on your bucket list? Which item would you pursue if you only had a week to live?
Peter says time is short. The end is near. And the only two items on our bucket list are loving God and loving others.
- Read 1 Peter 4:1. We can love God by appreciating his sacrifice. The cross gives us forgiveness, future hope, a new family, and victory over sin. Which one is most significant to you right now?
- Read 4:2-6. We can love God pursuing his will rather than our own appetites. What are some appetites the world wants us to give in to?
- Read 4:7. We can love God by seeking his presence in prayer, but Peter says we need to be “alert and sober-minded” if we’re going to be prayerful. What are some practical strategies to become more alert and sober-minded in prayer?
- Read 4:8. We can love others by forgiving their sin. Describe a time when you forgave someone, even though it was difficult.
- Read 4:9. Showing hospitality literally means “loving the stranger.” What kind of “stranger” do you find it most difficult to love?
- Read 4:10. Loving others means using our “grace-gift” to serve them. What do you think your spiritual gift is? How can you use it to serve others?
Action Step
- What’s one way you’ll use your spiritual gift to serve someone this week?
Prayer Step
- We can choose to love our own appetites, or to love God and others. Pray for God to give you a heart to love him and others, especially during this Thanksgiving week.