Passion Revealed

Week of November 17
1 Peter 3:8-22


  • What’s something in life that you’re very passionate about? Your favorite team or artist? Your favorite show right now? Your favorite sport or hobby?

When we’ve had a radical encounter with the grace and power of Jesus, it changes our passions. Peter describes some new passions we’ll have.

  • Read 1 Peter 3:8-9. Peter says we should have a passion for unity in the church. What keeps us from having compassion and brotherly love for others?
  • How can we pursue unity with other Christians in our daily lives, considering our differences in backgrounds, gifts, talents, and perspectives?
  • Read 3:10-14. What’s one specific way God is calling you to be passionate for what’s good in your workplace, school, family, or neighborhood? How can you stand for what’s good, even when it might lead to rejection or ridicule?
  • Read 3:15. Describe a time when somebody asked you why you’re so hopeful or joyful.
  • What are some tangible ways to show our hope? How can we follow the examples of Christians who served others during times of crisis, like the Black Plague, the tsunami in Southeast Asia, or the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • How can we effectively communicate the reason for our hope without getting caught up in arguments or debates?
  • Read 3:18-22. What makes you passionate about:
    • The death of Jesus?
    • The resurrection of Jesus?
    • The reign of Jesus?

Action Step

  • What’s one way you’ll commit share the hope you have in Christ with your “one more” this week?

Prayer Step

  • We can choose to have a passion for comfort, success, and prosperity, or we can choose to have a passion for Christ and for making our lives count for Christ. Pray this week that God will give you a greater passion for Christ!