Respect Revealed

Week of November 10
1 Peter 3:1-7


  • Relationships require love, effort, and respect. What’s a quality you admire in someone close to you? How has that quality impacted you? 
  • What’s one quality of Jesus that you think makes Him a model for a healthy and lasting relationship?


  • Read 1 Peter 3:1-2. Peter encourages wives to model Christlike behavior that influences their husbands to see the transformative work of Christ that they need in their own lives. What are some ways you’ve seen your actions or attitude affect the faith of someone close to you? If you’re married, share a time when your spouse’s attitude reflected Christ and it had an impact on you.
  • God instructs wives to submit to their husbands, not because one is greater or lesser than the other, but because it is part of God’s design and order for marriage. Submission is also seen within the relationship of the Trinity. How do you see submission with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Where do you see Jesus submit to the Father?
  • 1 Peter 3:3-4. Peter emphasizes “inner beauty” over outward appearance. What do you think it means to have “inner beauty”? What are some beautiful qualities of a “gentle and quiet spirit” you’ve seen in someone close to you?
  • In a world focused on appearance, how can we cultivate a beauty that reflects the inner beauty of Jesus? How does Jesus redefine what it means to be a man (masculinity)?
  • 1 Peter 3:5-6. Peter points to holy women of the past who trusted in God and lived respectfully with their husbands. In the close relationships we have, what qualities help build a foundation of trust and mutual respect? Share a time when you felt honored or respected by your spouse or someone who means a lot to you. What did they do to make you feel that way?
  • 1 Peter 3:7. Peter instructs husbands to live in an understanding and compassionate way with their wives and to honor them as co-heirs of God’s grace. What do you think it means to “live in an understanding way” with someone close to you? What makes them feel understood? What makes you feel understood?
  • What does it look like to live thoughtfully and sensitively with your spouse or a person who is close to you? 

Action Step

  • If you’re married, think of one way you can show respect, consideration, or honor to your spouse this week. If you’re not married, consider a relationship in your life where you can practice these same Christlike principles.

Prayer Step

  • Ask God to help you honor and respect others in the way you speak, act, and think about them. Pray specifically for strength to model Christ’s consideration in your relationships, whether in marriage, friendship, or family.