Honor Revealed

Week of November 3
1 Peter 2:11-25


  • The privilege and power of our new identity in Christ also comes with new responsibilities. What are some aspiring roles you’ve had that you soon realized required great responsibility?


In chapter 2, Peter shows us how to live out our new identity in Christ.

  • Read 1 Peter 2:11-12. Peter says that when we adopt Christ’s lifestyle, it leads to non-believers glorifying God. What are some ways you’ve seen your new ways of living like Jesus, lead to God getting the praise from your coworkers, family members, friends?
  • Peter talks about how our sinful desires wages war against us. What are somethings that have helped you wage war against sin that you seen victory in?
  • Read 2:13-17. As citizens of Heaven, we’re called to honor the human authorities God has appointed on this earth. As the presidential election is taking place on November 4th, what are some reasons that our joy and hope is not based on whether our candidate is chosen or not? As a group, come up with a list of reasons our joy and hope is not affected by whoever wins.
  • Read 2:18-20. Christians are called to do good, and if it leads to suffering we get to follow the example of Jesus. Have you suffered or experienced loss for doing something good recently?
  • Read 2:21-25. How has Jesus’ life encouraged you when you’ve gone through suffering/loss?

Action Step

  • Whether your presidential candidate is elected or not, how can you better honor the human authorities God has placed in our country? 
  • If you’re experiencing suffering or loss right now, what’s one way you can imitate Jesus through it?

Prayer Step

  • Pray for God to be honored through your conduct of living, honoring human authorities, and enduring suffering through challenges this week.