Week of October 27
1 Peter 2:4-10
- Think about the non-Christians you know. If you summed up their life-purpose, what would it be?
In chapter 2, Peter shows us how to build our life-purpose.
- Read 1 Peter 2:6. Peter says our foundation is Jesus. What’s the difference between building our life on a worldview or philosophy, and building our life on a person?
- What’s another cornerstone you’re tempted to build your life on (money, family, skills/abilities, etc.)?
- Read 2:9. Your life-purpose is built on your new identity. How should each of these aspects of your identity transform your life?
- Chosen
- Priest
- Holy
- God’s Possession
- Read 2:4-5. Peter summarizes the priorities we should have. Which one of these do you need to focus on during this season of life?
- Experiencing Redemption — “acceptable to God”
- Providing Refuge — “a spiritual house”
- Pursuing Resurgence — “a holy priesthood”
- Read 2:9. Your life-purpose is to proclaim Christ’s praises. What are some other potential life-purposes that compete with that?
Action Step
- Where’s the one place God is calling you to proclaim Christ’s praises this week? In your family? At your work or school? In our church?
Prayer Step
- Pray for God to help you determine your foundation, remember your identity, establish your priorities, and proclaim his praises. Pray for our church to collectively do the same, especially as we intentionally reach our neighborhood on Halloween.