Week of October 13
1 Peter 1:1-12
- Mother eagles put thorns and sharp rocks in their nest to encourage their young to fly off on their own. What’s a time when a trial in your life propelled you to grow and thrive?
As Peter begins his letter to suffering Christians, we learn how to find joy when life is hard.
- Read 1 Peter 1:1-2. Peter reminds us who we are as Christians: chosen by God. How would the fact that you’re chosen change your perspective in difficult situations?
- Peter also reminds us that we’re exiles. How is an exile different from a short-term visitor? From a naturalized citizen? What does this say about how we should live in this world?
- Read 1 Peter 1:3-7. Peter lists many blessings we’ve been given by God through Christ. What are they? Which one resonates most with you, and why?
- Peter uses the analogy of refining gold in a fire so the impurities can be seen and scraped away. Describe a time when a trial helped you see your fallenness or foolishness? How did you respond?
- Read 1 Peter 1:8-12. Why is it sometimes hard for us to remember that Jesus is with us and actively saving us every day?
- How does the idea that even angels long to experience God’s grace encourage you to appreciate the grace you’ve received?
Action Step
- What’s one truth from this passage you need to carry with you this week to prepare for the minor or major trials you’ll face?