Week of October 6
Luke 15
- Describe a time you were distraught because you lost something or someone precious to you.
As we close out our study of Jonah, we see that Jesus is the Jonah that Jonah was supposed to be. He passionately and lovingly seeks the lost, and celebrates when they’re saved. And he’s calling us to join him.
- Read Luke 15:1-2. The Pharisees are just like Jonah. They don’t care about people, instead they condemn people. Why is it so easy for us to condemn rather than care?
- Read Luke 15:3-4. The man in this story is climbing steep mountains and making many sacrifices to find one lost sheep.
- Read Luke 15:5. How does the image of Jesus “joyfully” placing the lost sheep on his shoulders shape your understanding of God’s heart for you? For your lost friends?
- Read Luke 15:6-7. In the three stories in Luke 15, salvation always results in celebration. How can we cultivate a consistent attitude of celebration and gratitude for our salvation, even in the challenges of life?
- Read Luke 15:8-10. How does your diligence in pursuing lost friends compare to the diligence of this woman (and Jesus)?
Action Step
- Who’s the “One More” lost sheep you’ll commit to intentionally pursuing? As we commit to “Prayer—Care—Share,” what’s one practical way you’ll show this person you care for them this week?