God’s Speaking to You Today! (Luke 3)

And a voice came from heaven: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well-pleased.” (Luke 3:22)

The heavens cracked open and God spoke directly to his Son here on Earth. Now wouldn’t that be amazing, if we got to experience something like that today? Well, we can! When you crack open the Bible, you allow God to directly speak his own inspired words to you. In fact, when we open the Scriptures, God opens his mouth (see Matt. 4:4). When we spend time in the Scriptures, we enter into an intimate conversation with our God. However, this only happens when we engage with the Bible in prayer. Praying allows us to talk with God, and hear from God through his word. Many people, including many Christians don’t get to experience this when they read the Bible. And that’s because that’s all they’re doing, reading the Bible. Reading about God, rather than having a conversation with God about him in the Bible.

If we’re told that have five physical senses, then we better also believe that we have spiritual senses. Faith through the action of prayer activates one of our spiritual senses, that is the ears of our heart. Your “spiritual ears” is what helps you to hear God speaking to you. Have you been longing to hear God talk to you more? Well, that’s going to depend on how prayerfully interactive you are with his Scriptures. God’s continually speaking to us. We just need to slow down, turn to his word, so we can hear what he’s saying.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I constantly need to be reminded of God’s approval and affection for me. When God the Father affimed Jesus saying, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well-pleased,” I need that too! (Luke 3:22). So when was the last time you heard God say “You are my beloved son” or “You are my beloved daughter”? If it’s been awhile, find a Bible passage or verse, and start up a conversation with the God, who loves spending time with you.

The Father wants to walk with you today. He wants to encourage you today. He wants to affirm you today. He wants to strengthen your faith today. He wants to change your heart today. And he wants to commission you to love the most unloveable people today, just like he did with his Son. So find a Bible passage or verse today, and spend time having a conversation with the God, who absolutely loves spending every minute talking with you.