“God, be exalted above the heavens, and let your glory be over the whole earth.” (Psalm 108:5)
When you pray, remember you are loved with a love that is greater than the heavens. This love may sound cliche. So, the Psalmist attempts to wake up the listener’s heart with music and shouts. He uses every instrument at his disposal and sings with his whole being! He wants his praises to God to wake up the dawn and the hearts of the nations. Why does the Psalmist sing? To remember who God is and remind others! When God is so amazing, you want to shout it loudly!
Today, you may be surrounded by foes and do not feel God’s presence. Know that God has spoken (v.7) and has called you his own (v.8) through Jesus. Moreover, God will use you as instruments of the battles on earth. He is more than able. He protects his own, and the gates of hell will not prevail against the church of God.
You who say to yourself, “Today’s struggles are hard!” will you look forward then to the full victory and joy you will experience when Jesus returns to establish his kingdom? Jesus has already demonstrated a foretaste of this great love and victory over sin on the cross. Will you pray to God, remembering who God is and rejoice in hope of what he promised?
Ask then that God will be exalted highly, as his love is higher than the heavens. Through our struggles and victories, may God’s glory be seen over the whole earth, so the world and the church may know him in his fullness and glory!