“The LORD is my shepherd; I have what I need.” (Psalm 23:1)
Like his forefathers (Abram, Jacob, Moses, etc.), David was a shepherd and saw God as his shepherd, as he was to his sheep. Yet it was the same Lord who led the Israelites through the wilderness. Seeing this, the prophets described the Lord as their shepherd. We share the same Shepherd over our souls. Yahweh is a shepherd historically and personally.
Because the Lord is David’s shepherd, David declares he lacks nothing – he has what he needs. Moses uses the same term to the Israelites: “The LORD your God has been with you these past forty years, and you have lacked nothing” (Deut. 2:7). When God is with us, we Christians can be content and not want anything more. David gladly embraces God as his shepherd and submits to the Lord’s direction and purposes, confident He will provide. We can be confident God will provide exactly what we need.
Moreover, the Lord makes the sheep feel safe – at least safe enough to lie down and rest. His holy presence brings protection and leaves no room for fear. He gives rest to his sheep – stability and quietness – restoring them to life: His rest takes us back to the garden when God took the man and caused him to rest in the garden (Gen. 2:15). His rest takes us back to Israel’s promised land, which was described as a “resting place” (Deut. 12:9). We Christians now must seek God’s rest. That resting place is occupied by the presence of God. As you seek the Shepherd, He renews your life (Ps. 23:3). So look to God as your shepherd! He alone can satisfy your soul and make you feel safe. Doesn’t God know your physical needs? How much more can He provide for you when you gladly embrace the Lord as your shepherd and submit to his ways?
David finds comfort in even the shepherd’s rod and staff, which are used to discipline and rescue sheep (Ps. 23:4). How about you? Do you find comfort in the Lord’s discipline? Jesus uses discipline in the life of Christians to rescue us. Thus, as with David, Yahweh’s discipline and protection are reminders for us that He is with us.
Will you join in praying through this psalm, adopting David’s divinely inspired words as your own, and directing these words to your Heavenly Shepherd?