A Prayer Without Words (1 Samuel 1)

“I’ve been pouring out my heart before the LORD. Don’t think of me as a wicked woman; I’ve been praying from the depth of my anguish and resentment.” (1 Samuel 1:15–16)

Have you ever felt so burdened and unhappy that you could not eat? Did you pour out your heart to God with tears? Our prayers are sometimes voiceless and silent, while God tells us to keep knocking and asking. Why do you feel so deeply that God should answer a prayer of yours?

Here, Hannah prays silently, without voice and without words. From deep hurt and many tears, she cries out to the Lord of Armies to take notice of her affliction and remember her (1:10-11). She prays for a son to be given her who would serve the Lord. Moreover, the spiritual leader of the nation, Eli, does not recognize her struggle – even calling her drunk – initially (1:12-14). At times we feel like her: unseen and unheard. During these times, it is best if we join Hannah and pray so deeply from our anguish. To others, we may appear to be out of our minds or intoxicated.

In the end, Eli sees her faith as one that he is supposed to have. So, he tells her to go in peace, and Hannah finds peace after pouring out her heart to God. Although her circumstances did not change, she emerges with confidence in God and hope. She is able to eat and is no longer downcast or burdened.

Pray, therefore, until your heart is no longer burdened. Pray even if others might think you are foolish. Pray for God’s will to be accomplished. Pray through the pain – it is alright to pray without audible words. But above all, remember to pray because our God is the Lord of Armies, and He will answer you as you continue to knock and ask Him.