Then Jacob blessed Joseph and said: “The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day, the angel who has redeemed me from all harm — may he bless these boys.” (Genesis 48:15-16)
Christianity is not new. We live in the faith that’s been carried from ages past. The church has many fathers, but we all have the same God as Abraham and Isaac. The God of Israel is the same God of David, Peter and Paul as well.
Israel (Jacob) knew what being a leader and shepherd was like. He cared for sheep, and his families were shepherds over flocks. But it takes humility to realize that your own shepherd was God, like Israel did. It takes humility to realize you need to follow him.
Who is your shepherd? Many folks today would consider themselves self-made and have no need of a leader or lord over their lives. But this is not new. The truth is we all need the God of Israel. God is the Creator and source of pasture and peace. Jesus Christ called himself the Good Shepherd, because he lays his life down for his sheep. He knows his own, and his own know him. You need this Shepherd to guide, guard, and redeem you from all harm. He has done it in the past, and he will do it today for you.
Lord my Shepherd, let me walk in the paths of faith in humility. Lead me and restore my soul, so that sons and daughters may see my example and be called by your name. Bless me, since I need you every hour, and I come to you. Amen.