“They will see his face…” (Rev. 22:4)
This chapter opens on a renewed world. Jesus is reigning on Earth. Satan and all those who insisted on harm have been defeated. With them gone, there’s no more pain, suffering, grief, or death. God is literally living among His people, with his royal headquarters in a huge city called New Jerusalem. It’s a beautiful place built with precious materials, and open gates honoring the Twelve Tribes of Israel that welcome people from around the world. It’s a place that is safe, secure, clean, and healthy because the people entering it must repent, submit to God, and live His way. There is a life-giving river that flows from God’s throne, and a tree with life-giving fruit and medicinal leaves that can be used to heal the rest of the world. Because God lives there, His glory illuminates the city. There’s no need for a Temple, because people can interact with God face to face. In this place, people do normal things like eat & drink, travel, keep time, work for communities to flourish, and co-manage the world as God directs.
This paradise is not just a sappy dream, or a vision of what the world could look like if everyone loved God and lived accordingly. It is a very real place, one that you will get to visit when you follow Jesus all the way. Jesus is the be-all end-all, the founder and ultimate king, the one who brings light to the whole world, and He welcomes those who welcome Him. If this message is new to you, know that Jesus is offering you a free invitation to become part of His family. Make the choice to worship God by living every day the way you will when He is soon reigning all over the world. Live as if the Gospel is true because IT IS TRUE!