A Letter to God’s People (Revelation 2)

“Be faithful until death and I will give you a crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)

In Revelation chapter 2, the Apostle John records Jesus’ message to four contemporary churches in Asia Minor. These churches were planted by the missionary work of the Apostle Paul about fifty years prior to the writing of Revelation. There is a similar pattern in what is said to each of the churches. First, he says he knows what is happening – he notes some good things and some evil things. He warns of the consequences of their evil. He calls out false teachings and the presence of Satan to deceive. He tells of future persecutions. Finally, he encourages them to “be faithful until death and I will give you a crown of life.”

I have often wondered what Jesus’ message would be to Harbor Church. I think that Harbor Church is a great church. The teaching is faithful to Scripture, the worship gives glory to God, there is love for the brothers, and a desire to spread God’s love to the community. However, reading the messages to the first century churches is humbling. How far have we fallen short? Where have we tolerated evil? Could there be false teaching and the work of Satan in our midst? What do we need to repent of and change? Are we able to endure persecution and be faithful until death? How much are we blinded by our culture?

Is it pride that makes us think Harbor Church is great and more Biblically faithful than other churches? With a posture of gratitude, let us humbly “hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Revelation 2:29)