Alive in Christ (John 11)

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

John 11 tells the story of Jesus’ final miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus did not visit Lazarus as he was dying but waited until he passed away. Why? So that we may believe in him (v. 15).

Do you believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? God, by the power of his Holy Spirit, can change your heart if he’s willing, and he is!

How is Jesus the resurrection and the life?

  • Jesus gives us “living water” which is eternal life, and he is the “bread of life” that never perishes so that we will never hunger or thirst again (4:14; 6:35).
  • Jesus came to the world to give his followers an abundant life (10:10). No one will take them away from him (10:27–28).
  • Jesus is the light of the world. Follow him to receive the light of life (8:12).
  • We have eternal life in knowing the one true God and in Jesus whom he has sent (17:3).
  • The one who eats his flesh (believes in Jesus) and drinks his blood (believes his blood paid for our sins) has eternal life (6:54–55).
  • John’s purpose for writing this book of Jesus’ signs is for readers to believe in Jesus and have life in his name. (20:31)

If you do not believe in him, you will die in your sins (8:24). Otherwise, if you trust in Christ, though you were once dead in your sins, you are now made alive through God’s forgiveness. The costly debt of sin was nailed to the cross (Col. 2:13–14). Death has been defeated (1 Cor. 15:54–55). We don’t need to be afraid to die, because we believe in Jesus who died for our sins!

In Jesus, we are no longer dead in our sins but alive! Believe, then, and live. Do you believe this? When you are working long hours or going through traffic; when your favorite sport team loses, or when you feel lonely or abandoned, do you believe in this life in Jesus? Believing in Him makes all the difference – life or death.