Guarding The Good (1 Timothy 6)

“take hold of what is truly life.” (1 Timothy 6:19)

Timothy already knew this: Jesus is the ultimate treasure, and his truth is priceless, since the good news is Jesus brings the Christian from death to life. But – surprise! – Timothy met people who are using Jesus and spirituality as a way to earn money. These people want to use godliness to make money and perhaps gain socially. Hungrier than a hippo, these “influencers” chase that money and power. Perhaps Timothy is tempted to join in that hustle as a young one. Would gaining more followers be worth the compromise?

But Paul warns Timothy: It’s a trap! – an illusion that leads to ruin! Chasing that cash only ends in grief. How so? When making money is your god, you end up wandering from God. Only God is good. You don’t end up happy, but rather, you end up gutted and ruined.

Paul tells him, “Timmy, you know our God? He will provide you with everything! You just need to be content and guard the gospel. Remember your testimony from before? That was all God. Continue in that.” The same is true for us. For life, we need God’s grace, not material gains.

So, Christian, don’t go down the road of ruin; don’t twist the truth for money and gains. Run from there! Chase after God instead. Guard your heart, your treasure. As Jesus went to the cross for you, Christian, fight the good fight. The gospel is worth guarding, because life with Jesus is better than any riches on earth.