But everything that was a gain to me, I have considered to be a loss because of Christ. (Philippians 3:7)
The day that Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, his worldview, religious beliefs, and life’s career came crashing down like a tidal wave. But what Paul would soon experience was that it would lead to him riding the wave of a lifetime!
What something you might be completely wrong about that’s holding you back from experiencing the powerful transforming work God wants to do in your life right now?
When Paul chose to join the Jesus movement, he had to start his life’s purpose from scratch. His former career as a Pharisee had to come to an end, because now they wanted to kill him. His religious beliefs and worldview had to be revolutionized by grace. In addition, this new group of Jesus followers were the least respected, unlike the Pharisees, so he had to become acquainted with no longer being the elite, but the outcasts in society. Paul literally lost his colleagues, his closest friends, and his dream career when he decided to give his life to Jesus. But the incredible thing is that he says it wasn’t a loss, but gain for him.
God wants you to discover what Paul discovered. He wants to awaken you to the reality that Jesus is the prize you’re really searching for! Paul would tell you that if you have Jesus, then you have the most valuable thing in the universe! Jesus is your righteousness and acceptance with God, so now at any time and any place you can go to him. This means you’re never alone, and you have God as your Helper. Jesus gives you a deeper purpose for your life, so you get to experience the satisfaction and nourishment that comes from doing the will of the Father. If you have Jesus, you’re winning in life!