Five Groups of People (Mark 10)

Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10:15)

Receiving the kingdom of God, means receiving its King. There are five groups of people in Mark 10 that either receive Jesus or reject Jesus. Can you see the five? What group would you identify with today?

Group one is a bunch of Pharisees who were very religious. They attended church on Sundays, community group during the week, and volunteered in at least one ministry a month. They like to follow rules, but modify those rules to serve themselves (see Mk. 10:2-5). And when Jesus confronted them on compromising God’s word to serve their selfish wants, they quickly rejected him. Is there an area in your life where you might be acting in a similar way?

Group two are family members who brought their children to Jesus. In those days, children were at the bottom of social class, so they had no business interacting with a very popular rabbi like Jesus. But these kids were excited to simply be near and be blessed by Jesus. Jesus then explained that this excitement, humility, and simplicity these kids had with him is what anyone who wants to enter the kingdom must have as well. Have you been excited to simply follow whatever Jesus tells you to do?

Group three is the rich young ruler. He’s also a good rule follower, and moreover he’s loaded with money! So when Jesus tests this young man to see who his true God/god is, we see that it wasn’t Jesus when he walks away from Jesus. Is there some business deal, career move, investment that might ruling over your future and family more than God?

Group four is the disciples. At times, these disciples were unsure if whether their decision to follow Jesus was worth it or not. They were often confused by Jesus’ leadership style, his plans, and his teachings. But through it all, they knew something was magnificently different about Jesus. And so, like a child they received Jesus and his kingdom with excitement and continued to follow him. Have you been feeling like the disciples lately?

Group five is the blind men Bartimaeus. He heard Jesus was passing by, so he screamed from the top of his lungs for Jesus to stop and heal him. Bartimaeus’ life-changing moment was standing right before him, and by faith he received Jesus and was healed. What can you call out to Jesus to heal in your life, in your past, in your relationships, or with your physical needs?