Hebrews 7:11-28 | Jesus is More Than Everything

by | Oct 20, 2021

READ Hebrews 7:11-28

“The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, ‘You are a priest forever.’ …Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, since he always lives to intercede for them.” (Hebrews 7:21b,25)

In this part of Hebrews, the author finishes explaining the connection between Melchizedek and Jesus. The focus has moved from the superiority over the old covenant (Abraham) to the superiority of Jesus’ priesthood. It’s clear that the “old priesthood system” wasn’t good enough to save us. If it was, God wouldn’t have sent a changer or a Savior. The writer references Psalm 110 where the pre-incarnate Christ is referenced (Psalm 110:1) as a priestly king who will reign and serve forever. Just as Melchizedek was not connected to the old priesthood (he wasn’t from Aaron, wasn’t a Levite, and pre-dated both), Jesus, too, was not connected to the old priesthood, instead representing a new way to engage with God. The “new priesthood” is not based on our ancestral lineage, but on God’s chosen Savior and the grace that is available because of his sacrifice.

This sacrifice is incredible not only because it was perfectly paid by Jesus (one sacrifice that took care of all our sin), but also because it is perfection in time (it’s permanent – Jesus was raised from the dead and is our priest and intercessor forever). Nothing in this world is permanent – not riches, not fame, not monuments, not even mountains – but Jesus’ holy priesthood is perfectly permanent and worthy of all our praise!

This passage in Hebrews extends the argument that Jesus is more than Moses, more than Aaron, much greater than a building as he is the builder, and Jesus is more than a faithful servant as he is a faithful and sacrificing son. Our Savior is more than a lineal descendant and more than the law – Jesus is our priest and righteous king forever!

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