“I pray that your participation in the faith may become effective through knowing every good thing that is in us for the glory of Christ.” (Philemon 1:6)
Murray Harris notes that the word Κοινωνία (koinōnia) has three basic meanings: (1) participation or sharing in; (2) (spiritual) fellowship or partnership; (3) the sharing of something, a charitable gift, contributory help.
When Paul prays for Philemon’s faith, Paul is praying for a participating faith. He is praying for an effective faith. He is praying for good working faith. He is praying for the glory of Christ.
What did this look like for Philemon’s life? Philemon had a runaway slave who later became a Christian. Paul wanted them to reconcile, but Philemon would be giving up his right to punish. Paul wrote this letter, appealing to Philemon to unite with this runaway on the basis of Jesus. So, for Philemon, an effective faith forgives wrongs and welcomes back the runaway as a brother. This is why Paul prays: only God can give us an effective faith, since He is “the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” (Heb. 12:2)
What does this mean for us? Our faith is never solo, never alone, never about me, myself, and I. No, our faith is shared with other believers. It always participates in grace. Faith produces good works. It lives for the glory of Christ through the body of Christ.
Let’s experience Jesus together like Philemon. Let’s share in the love of Jesus together, forgiving each other like Jesus forgave us. When we forgive, our faith is effective as we share His gift for us together.
How can you share your faith in Christ today? By doing good works? By sharing thanksgiving? By forgiving someone?