Acts 13:13-41 | You Donʻt Need to be Stoned in Sharing the Gospel

by | Mar 9, 2021

READ Acts 13:13-41

After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the leaders of the synagogue sent word to them, saying, “Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the people, you can speak.” (Acts 13:15)

The passage today might seem pretty tame compared to other stories in Acts when Jews were confronted about Jesus. Paul went through Scripture and clearly laid out Godʻs plan of salvation and how Jewish leaders and those in Jerusalem condemned their Messiah. This is probably the “blueprint” of how the Gospel was shared to Jewish audiences in the early church. However, unlike in other accounts, Paul and his companions were not imprisoned or beaten after preaching. No one was lashed or banished. In this account, it appears Paul and others waited their turn and took the opportunity to share directly, but respectfully, and it was received by those who listened (you can see this in verse 42; they were invited back to speak again!).

There will be times when we will suffer for the Gospel (2 Tim 3:12), but that doesn’t mean we will always be ridiculed or that everyone will think weʻre crazy. God calls and opens hearts (Acts 16:14). So trust Him, share the good news of Jesus, and know that you donʻt have to be stoned in telling your friends and family about him. You might be the one God uses to change a personʻs eternity.

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