Acts 11:19-30 | Intentional Influence

by | Mar 5, 2021

READ Acts 11:19-30

The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. (Acts 11:26)

Quick: what’s the most influential church in the world? Your brain might go to a famous megachurch on the mainland, or one of the mega-mega churches in Asia. But the most influential church in history was easily the church of Antioch, which we see being birthed here in Acts 11.

The church of Antioch was the first to intentionally reach non-Jewish people. Before this point it mostly happened by accident (like with Philip and the Ethiopian) or by supernatural urging (like with Peter and the Roman centurion).

The church of Antioch was the first to intentionally train and commission church-planters like Paul and Barnabas. Before this point, churches were mostly planted by Christians scattered by persecution (like with the Antioch church itself).

The church of Antioch was the first to intentionally build a compassion ministry, raising funds to support the poor and suffering Christians back in Judea. This soon became an empire-wide partnership of churches, all banding together to provide tangible expressions of God’s grace.

The result was the expansion of God’s kingdom across the Roman Empire. The gospel was preached, lives were transformed, and Jesus was glorified–all because the Antioch church was so intentional.

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