God’s At Work Through Harbor Church!

While much of the world has slowed down over the past year, God has only been accelerating his work through our church. Here are some of the highlights:

New Ministry: Harbor Biblical Counseling Center

  • In these difficult times, we’re excited to announce a new ministry partnership between all four Harbor churches: the Harbor Biblical Counseling Center. We are recruiting potential lay counselors who will receive training to be certified in counseling. Want to learn more about how you can apply God’s Word to bring hope, help, and healing to people across our island? Join us Monday, Feb 15 at 7:00pm via Zoom for our Interest Meeting. Please RSVP by emailing [email protected].

Pandemic Outreach

  • Kakaʻako Kākou: Our monthly sit-down homeless breakfast had to be canceled, so we set up on the street, providing hot breakfasts, canned food, hygiene kits, donated clothes. Developed community partnerships with Pacifica Honolulu building and neighboring businesses like Lynn’s.
  • Rapid Response Team: groceries and masks and partnered with Kupuna Kokua
  • Bless Kapiʻolani: brought meals to ER doctors and nurses who were overburdened
  • Bless UH Manoa: picked up necessities for quarantined students
  • Financial assistance Grants: helped folks with rent, utilities, food
  • Regular Grocery Giveaways: including a Christmas outreach to Artists’ Loft down the block

Sunday Ministry

  • Aloha Team: A growing team of volunteers is extending the welcome of Jesus to our constant stream of newcomers.
  • Hospitality Team: After Covid changed our Sunday plans, this team faithfully prepared over 800 breakfast bentos for our Sunday morning crew of volunteers for our Livestream.
  • Security Team: This growing crew keeps our church (and especially our keiki) safe all morning every Sunday.
  • Sanitation Teams: Five teams of 3-4 people now keep our church sanitized for each Sunday service.

Family Ministry

  • Keiki Ministry: Our loving aunties and uncles pivoted to video lessons and storytimes for keiki during the two lockdowns, but now are welcoming kids back into a safe and nurturing environment every Sunday. We are offering keiki ministry during the 8:30 service, and hope to re-open during the 10:00 service soon.
  • Youth Ministry: Every teenager is starved for community for the last year, and our amazing youth team has worked hard to create a safe place for middle and high schoolers to come fellowship, have fun, and talk about how the gospel impacts their everyday life.
  • Community Groups: We have 15 groups meeting weekly, and we’re amazed by their commitment to keep connecting and encouraging each other however they can during these trying times, whether that’s over Zoom, or in-person with masks and distance.

Global Missions

  • We were scheduled to go to Japan in June 2020, but we are hopeful to serve and help our church planters over there whenever it is safe for us to do that.

Daily Boost

  • We have an incredible team of writers blessing many people every day through thoughtful and encouraging devotionals.


  • Thanks to our awesome Facilities Team volunteers, we’re seeing continuous improvements around the building like new windows installed in classrooms, ceiling tiles to absorb sound in the Lanai area, and fixing numerous new leaks in the building.