2 Samuel 15 | Make All the Difference

by | Jan 25, 2021

READ 2 Samuel 15

“LORD,” David pleaded… (2 Samuel 15:31)

One day, you wake up and the world around you is burning: Do you turn to worldly ways or God?

If you are Absalom, you turn to worldly power. After hearing his father’s adultery and murder of a man, Absalom became fixated on justice and murdered his brother Amnon for raping their sister. Absalom was not only a maverick like Batman, but also, he grew into a wild weed that worsened due to David’s lack of restraint on him. Absalom’s pride ballooned due to the public’s praise. Absalom became a trending influencer in the city, having amazing locks of hair (14:25-26). Despite having killed the king’s son, Absalom settled back in the city and conspired an insurrection, gathering chariots, horses, and men (15:1). Absalom wanted more and more power. He would wake up early and make himself into a brand for justice, gaining clout with the people of Israel (15:6, 13). When Absalom joined forces with Ahithophel (David’s counselor) to conspire against his old man, he seemed unstoppable.

How did David respond to his son’s rebellion, conspiracy and wickedness? At first David escaped in fear, but later he grieved and wept for his son (15:30). David hoped for good from God, allowing him to be generously concerned for the safety of foreign kings (15:19-20), for proper sacrifice, and for proper care of the ark (15:24-26). Absalom may have had hundreds of followers behind him, but David had the Lord. We do not know everything that went through David’s mind when his world was spinning out of control, but we hear his short plea with the Lord. This brief prayer would change the course of the story. David does not know this yet, but turning to the Lord will make all the difference.

We have the advantage of being able to read the whole story in the Scriptures. The worldly ways of Absalom will fail, like any electronic device that is unplugged from the power source. As for us, we know that God hears us despite our sin, because Jesus Christ has died the death, we deserve for all our sin. He hears you, and He loves you. Let’s turn to Him and approach the Father boldly in faith, trusting in His hand over history. This too will make all the difference for you.

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