1 Samuel 17 | The Undefeated Lord of Armies

by | Dec 27, 2020

READ 1 Samuel 17

David said “You come against me with a sword, spear, and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Armies, the God of the ranks of Israel — you have defied him.” (1 Samuel 17:45)

I want to confess I considered quitting being a Daily Boost writer when I was assigned 1 Samuel 17—one of the famous stories in the Bible of David killing the Philistine giant, Goliath. I didn’t want to do an injustice to the story. What I apparently lacked was also what Saul, his army, Goliath, and the Philistines all lacked. David had confidence that his God would deliver him from all his enemies, including Goliath.

David did not need Saul’s full military suit nor a sword to face off Goliath, who was much taller, stronger, and more experienced than he. With God on his side, David became more courageous than Saul and his army. David didn’t let discouragement from Saul, his family, and other Israelite men stop him from approaching Goliath. God was with him. David had all he needed—faith in God’s power in the form of a staff, five stones in a bag, and his sling. After all, God is the “Lord of Armies,” the title David gives as he confronts Goliath. The One who rescued David from lions and bears would also rescue the Israelites from the Philistines.

God calls us to not be afraid numerous times throughout Scripture and to call on Him. Why is that? He knows He is what we need. He created the heavens and earth and knitted us in our mother’s womb. He brought His Son back to life three days after dying for our sin. God is in control and for us, and He alone makes possible the impossible. Who is more powerful than this?

When God places you to tackle a seemingly impossible task, will you trust in your own strength, or run away in fear like Saul? Or will you boldly call on the Lord’s help like David and Jesus Christ? Let’s have a heart like David, and go after the Lord. Let’s trust in Him who is our life.

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