Romans 15:22-33 | The Refreshment That Accompanies Fellowship

by | Dec 6, 2020

READ Romans 15:22-33

by God’s will, I may come to you with joy and be refreshed together with you. (Romans 15:32)

There are certain people we spend time with (like co-workers) because we have to.

There are certain people we spend time with because they need us.

And then there are people we can’t wait to spend time with. They are easy. They energize and give us joy, and we do the same for them. It is mutually beneficial and enjoyable. These are the Roman Christians that Paul is writing to—people that he is longing to see so that he can rejoice with them and also be refreshed by them. It says in verse 24 that he enjoys their company—they are his friends.

As Christians we are called into a life of self-sacrificing service, pouring into the lives of others so that they can live the abundant life, much in the same way as Jesus did. We are to follow His commands and His example. But we also have those with whom we share joy, those with whom we can be ourselves, without expectation or compulsion. They lighten our load and refresh our spirits. This is found in community, in a family of believers, where unconditional love abounds and generosity of spirit in apt supply. This is the kind of fellowship that the Lord designed for us to have, and we do well to seek it. It is brother blessing brother, sister blessed by sister. It is a two-way street of affection and camaraderie. This gives us fuel for the hard work, for the tough circumstances, for the needy people.

Lest we think we need to fill up with this kind of fellowship BEFORE we can go out and serve, we are reminded that Paul worked and then sought this blessing. Sure it can happen the other way around, but we should not wait to be filled before we pour out our lives for others. Sometimes we have little to give, but when we do it willingly we exemplify our King who came not to be served but to serve. And we know He will honor it, for He knows how best to take care of His people. He can be trusted to give us what we need when we need it, including seasons of refreshing.

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