But now we have been released from the law, since we have died to what held us, so that we may serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the old letter of the law. (Romans 7:6)
In today’s passage of Romans 7, we see Paul using the illustration of marriage to help us understand the obligations and commitments that we are bound to. When a man and woman marry, there is a covenant that is made towards each other that can only be legally broken by death. Any other means for trying to separate or break the covenant will result in a violation.
What a wonderful illustration for us as followers of Jesus that with Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection, we have put to death our affiliation with the law of sin and death. Because we died with Jesus at Calvary, we are dead to the law and delivered from its power over us as a principle of justification and of sanctification. The law doesn’t justify us; it doesn’t make us right with God. The law doesn’t sanctify us; meaning it doesn’t take us deeper with God and make us more holy before Him.
Rather, we have been set free to serve God and to serve others in the newness of the Spirit. Are you ready to thrive and be all that God has created you to be? This new freedom was given by the Spirit not so that we stop serving God, but rather so that we can serve God better. How well are you serving in the newness of the Spirit? Have you fallen for the trap of serving sin and legalism more than thriving and being who God created you to be? Choose today to be motivated more by the love that comes from Jesus Christ rather than the motivation of fear. Through Jesus’ death on the cross, we have been released from the law and the Holy Spirit wants us to thrive and serve God out of love, devotion, and gratefulness. If you are looking for a place to serve at Harbor Church, go to https://harborhonolulu.org/serve/ for more information.