He did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what God had promised, he was also able to do. (Romans 4:20-21)
In today’s reading of Romans 4, we continue to read about Abraham’s faith and we see God’s promise was granted to him because of his faith. As Christians, we use faith as a word to describe people to others. Maybe one of your criteria for voting for a government leader or local council position is to choose a person of faith. Maybe you have been characterized as a person of faith. As Paul describes Abraham’s faith in Romans 4, let us be encouraged to pursue a faith like Abraham’s. Let us pursue an unwavering faith in God.
We can learn from Abraham’s example that if we have an unwavering faith in God, it will give glory to God. John Calvin said, “When there is no contest, it is true, no one, as I have said, denies that God can do all things; but as soon as anything comes in the way to impede the course of God’s promise, we cast down God’s power from its eminence.” It is easy to trust God when we clearly see Him at work in our lives. Though it is in the midst of uncertainty that our true faith and belief in God will be made known. What made Abraham’s faith unwavering?
We see the answer in verse 21, because Abraham was fully convinced that God would fulfill everything that He promised. Abraham was able to see God fulfill His promises throughout his life and each time God did what He said He would, it helped to strengthen Abraham’s faith. What has your past experiences with God been like and how much faith do you have in God? Is your view of God too small? If it is, come before God today and ask Him for forgiveness for limiting His power and glory. Then ask God to give you an increasing and unwavering faith in Him. Commit a God-sized task in prayer and take those steps to increase your faith in God and be ready to see what only God can do.