When the messengers returned to Jacob, they said, “We went to your brother Esau; he is coming to meet you — and he has four hundred men with him.” Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed (Genesis 32:6-7)
In today’s chapter, we see that Esau plans to meet up (along with 400 of his men) with Jacob. What was Jacob’s response to hearing these news? Verse 7 reads, Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed. In times of uncertainty, where do you turn to for truth? We turn to the news, popular opinion, reliving what has happened in the past. Where does seeking God and His word place on your Top 5 for getting the truth?
Jacob had just confronted Laban in Genesis 31 and boldly stood up and spoke his mind, yet he was afraid to meet Esau. Why? Because Jacob knew that he was in the right with Laban, but he knew he was in the wrong with Esau. Before Jacob left home, after his brother swore to kill him, Rebekah told Jacob in Genesis 27:45, “until your brother’s rage turns away from you and he forgets what you have done to him. Then I will send for you and bring you back from there.” Rebekah never sent for Jacob, therefore Jacob had every reason to believe that Esau was still angry at him even after 20 years later.
Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed because he dwelled on the guilt of his past actions. He forgot to live in the freedom of God’s protection over his life. Though Jacob had every reason to believe God would protect him. Jacob seemed to have forgotten God had a special camp of angels to protect him. Jacob’s fear was wrong, because it happened after a great deliverance. Jacob’s fear was wrong, because he had just had a remarkable divine visitation. Jacob’s fear was wrong, because it probably arose out of a remembrance of his old sins.
When tough times come upon you, what will your response be? Will you let your past dictate how you react? Will you be paralyzed by the fears of uncertainty and your inadequacies? Or will you place your trust in God and live in the freedom of His protection. Take off the chains that hinder us and move forward in confidence of God and His power.