The LORD was standing there beside Jacob, saying, “I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac.” (Genesis 28:13)
This chapter is another key turning point in God’s story for the world. His plans to make right, all that humanity had made wrong would now continue through Jacob. In Genesis 28:3, Isaac blesses Jacob and therefore passes on the Abrahamic promise to him. But this promise wouldn’t become real for Jacob until he met for himself, the God of this promise. Jacob heard a lot about the LORD from his upbringing, but he never encountered the LORD for himself until his journey to Paddan-aram.
For those who grew up in a Christian home, do you remember when God’s very existence and nearness finally became personal to you? Maybe it was over a long period of time, but as each moment with God added up, you were never quite the same as you were before. Jacob had a similar experience. Some have called this the “Bethel moment” for Jacob. It was the first time that Jacob personally encountered the God of his father Isaac and Abraham. It was a powerful moment, when one of the patriarchs of the Jewish and Christian faith was finally introduced to the LORD.
This is encouraging news. If you long to see your child come to know the LORD in a personal way, then keep praying for it. Keep praying that God would intervene in their life in an undeniable way. If you have a sister, brother, or close friend who you want to come to know Christ, then keep praying that God would reveal himself to them like he did with Jacob. We must remember that it wasn’t Jacob who found God, but it was God who found and called Jacob. It takes God to confirm his call in a person’s life. And so, they need to experience him for themselves.
Pray that all the information they know about the Bible would touch their heart and soul. Jacob knew about God’s promise over his family line, but it didn’t become real for him until God spoke directly to him. Pray that the Holy Spirit would minister to their hearts. Pray that Christ would confirm his calling, his promises, and his will for their lives. Pray this for those you know, and pray this for yourself as well.