Genesis 11 — Why Babel?

by | Sep 2, 2020

READ Genesis 11

And they said, “Come, let’s build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky. Let’s make a name for ourselves; otherwise, we will be scattered throughout the earth.” (Genesis 11:4)

Have you ever fantasied about how much good we could do for the world if there were no language barriers? In Genesis 11 we had this opportunity, but instead, we threw out God’s good plan to spread and fill the earth and tried to build a monument to ourselves. While we were working towards our own destruction (seeking to be God, again), in one action, God dispersed us, protected us, and what is even more amazing, set in motion incredible linguistic and cultural diversity. The genealogy in verses 10-32 stretches from Noah, who lived through both the flood and probably his descendant’s rebellion at Babel, to Abraham, through whom God would bless all the nations. One day, people from every language and people group will worship God together (Rev. 7), an amazing testament to God’s great power and grace.

What is your life’s monument to? In other words, how are you investing your time, treasure, and talents? True joy and contentment only comes when our lives are properly centered on the good God who made us. Lord, forgive us for building monuments in our hearts to lesser things and thank You for your redemption work that spans history, cultures and languages.

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