Philippians 3 — What Really Counts

by | Aug 19, 2020

READ Philippians 3:1-11

More than that, I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of him I have suffered the loss of all things and consider them as dung, so that I may gain Christ. (Philippians 3:8)

In today’s reading, Paul addressed what really counts in our lives is doing whatever we can to know Jesus as our Lord.  Paul talked about the difference in boasting in Christ or relying on our self and our merits.  Paul said that if anyone could boast about themselves, it was him.  He mentioned a whole list of items that he could boast in based on his upbringing and merits that would beat out anyone else in comparison.  Yet all of his worldly assets meant nothing in comparison to knowing Jesus Christ.

Paul is warning us today that coming from a Christian heritage won’t guarantee us a ticket into heaven.  Being raised in the church, or being a good person or knowing Christian jargon won’t save your soul.  All of us need to be born again and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Everything that Paul gained in life was nothing in comparison to gaining Christ and finding his identity in Christ.  

Is there anything in your life that is hindering you from having a focused and growing relationship with Jesus Christ?  Is it really worth the price of being hindered in your walk with Christ?  Just as a world class athlete must lay aside certain things to achieve greatness, we, too, must lay aside everything but Jesus to know Him better.  Paul understood that having Jesus was worth far more than anything else the world had to offer.  Have you realized what really counts in our lives?  It’s not gaining success or accolades.  What really counts is knowing Jesus Christ!  If you haven’t made knowing Jesus important in your life, it’s not too late.  Ask God for forgiveness for putting other things ahead of Jesus and start living your life for what really counts.

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