Philippians 1:12-20 — Suffering and Advancing the Gospel

by | Aug 13, 2020

READ Philippians 1:12-20

Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually advanced the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard, and to everyone else, that my imprisonment is because I am in Christ. (Philippians 1:12-13)

In the book of Philippians Paul is writing from prison. He is a man who has suffered. But rather than complain or sulk, like some of us do when our situations are unfavorable, Paul spends this letter encouraging the church. How does this man have the capacity to look to the needs of others during a time when he is suffering? He does this because his primary goal is that Christ would be known.

Take his time in prison. Rather than see prison as something to escape, Paul focuses on the fact that prison has actually helped to advance the gospel. Paul celebrates the fact that it has become “known to the whole imperial guard, and to everyone else, that my imprisonment is because I am in Christ.” So Paul rejoices that Jesus is being made known throughout his suffering. But that isn’t the only thing.

Paul is in prison because of his fearless proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. What has resulted is the fact that now other believers, who see Paul’s example, have the boldness to proclaim the gospel as well. By seeing Paul risking his freedom and life for Jesus, the church is encouraged. Now there are others who proclaim the gospel not out of a love for God but out of selfishness and gain. Rather than be frustrated at that Paul again turns to rejoicing. Paul rejoices that even though people might proclaim Jesus for their own selfish desires, “Christ is proclaimed.” That’s his goal.

Now think about your own life. Think about your own trials and tribulations. Perhaps your trials are not just something that God wants you to get through. Maybe, like Paul, God wants to use your trials to work through you. Your trials and struggles in life may be an opportunity to let people know who Jesus is. It’s an opportunity to show people that Jesus is more important that your hardships. Your trials might be a chance for you to encourage another believer to know that Jesus far outweighs any suffering you might have to endure. It may be what someone needs to continue to proclaim the gospel. Whatever it is that you’re going through think, is your goal an easy comfortable life? Or is your goal in life to make Jesus known? If your after comfort trials are just depressing and sad. If you’re after Jesus being known by all then trials are just another opportunity.

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