I wait for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning— more than watchmen for the morning. (Psalms 130:6)
The psalmist in today’s psalm is crying out to the Lord for help. There is an eager anticipation for redemption by God. Yet in between the cries for help from God and the redemption and abundant life that God gives to us, there is a long time of waiting for the psalmist. I am reminded of the words of my favorite Christian singer/songwriter, Steven Curtis Chapman, in one of his earlier songs, Wait. In the song, it says, “Answers come slowly to your cries of desperation. But time is His tool, teaching the greatest lessons ever learned. So let Him do His work in you, and watch the miracles come true (as you wait).” There is a lot that God has to teach us while we wait on His perfect timing.
In verse 6, we get a glimpse of the desperation of the psalmist’s waiting on the Lord. He said he is waiting for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning. Watchmen were night guards who stayed up through the night and anxiously waited for the break of dawn and light so they would be relieved of their duties. To these watchmen, the night seems so long. They are weary and they want relief. All around them is dark, gloomy, and still. The watchmen eagerly awaits the first ray of light. Maybe for you during this pandemic, you have been waiting on the Lord. You are like the watchmen with no ray of light or hope in sight. Everyday seems gloomy and dark and you feel tired and hopeless. Keep looking to the Lord and know that the morning is coming. Just like the psalmist waited and watched for God and the help and hope that God would bring.