How happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk according to the Lord’s instruction! (Psalms 119:1)
Psalm 119 has the distinction of being the longest chapter in the Bible. The psalm is not only an instructional on how to live a righteous life but it speaks to the rewards of following God’s way of living. If you’re struggling in an area spiritually this Psalm has the answer. You find yourself straying from a life of purity? Verse 11 says what you need to do is treasure God’s word so that you would not sin against God. Are you feeling overcome by grief? You need to be strengthened in the word of God by reciting them to yourself over and over again (v. 25-31). You find yourself in desperate need for salvation? Put your hope in the word of God (v. 147). In this Psalm, it is clear that for the loving God’s law leads to happiness and blessing. The problem is that none of us love God’s law enough.
Psalm 119:1 says, “How happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk according to the LORD’s instruction!” Immediately, our ears should be perked up because we know that none of us are blameless. Our way, our life, is marred in sin. When the psalmist says that God’s words are “sweeter than honey in my mouth” we are to recognize that often times we do not see God’s word that way. But there is someone who has. Jesus is the only one who fully obeyed God’s law. Jesus is the one whose way was completely blameless. Jesus is the one who said that his food was to do God’s will (John 4:34). Jesus’ way was blessed because he always walked according to the LORD’s instruction. So for those who have put their trust in Jesus our way is made blameless through faith in the one who was blameless. So when you read Psalm 119 read it as an instructional book about how to live blameless, but recognize that in every way that you fail to value and treasure God’s word that Jesus has already succeeded on behalf of his people. So for that, “be happy.”