Psalm 113 – This Is How We Praise God

by | Jul 5, 2020


“From the rising of the sun to its setting, let the name of the Lord be praised.” (Psalm 113:3)

One of the songs we used to sing in Sunday school was based on today’s psalm.  I always remembered this song because the “hand motions” to this verse was very simple, yet profound.  Stretch out your arm to one side and slowly more your arm in an upward motion to the other side of your body, while singing the verse repeatedly.  There are two implications of this verse for all Christians around the world.  The first answers the question of when should we praise God.  We should be praising God continually through the day.  From the time we get up to start the day and continuing throughout the day, until the end of the day.  When we realize the vastness of God’s creation, His omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscient attributes, and that the One, True God loves sinners like you and me, so much so, that He made a way for us to have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus.  When we consider all these things, we should join with Christians around the world in constant praise of our Almighty God.

The second implication is that God is to be praised everywhere.  From one end of the world to the other end, God is to be praised.  From all the way as far to the east is from the west, and north to south, we are to be praising God.  Why are we to praise God from everywhere and continually?  The answer is because God is worthy to be praised.  This global pandemic has shown us that the things of this earth can quickly disappear.  So put your hope in God.  He is eternal.  He never changes.  His love for you never ends.  Let’s all make our lives full of praise to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, today, and everyday.  Amen!

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