Psalm 112 – Our Generous God

by | Jul 4, 2020


He has distributed freely; he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever; his horn is exalted in honor. (Psalms 112:19)

Have you ever heard about Zacchaeus? Zacchaeus was a tax collector and in the time of Jesus this meant that he was probably very rich. His wealth, however, came from taking advantage of other people. So their reputations were not good. Luke 19 tells a story of this tax collector named Zacchaeus whose life was completely changed by one simply act. Being a short man Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus and then in Luke 19:5 Jesus says to him, “Hurry and come down because today it is necessary for me to stay at your house.” This tax collector responded to Jesus by saying, “Look, I’ll give half of my possessions to the poor, Lord. And if I have extorted anything from anyone, I’ll pay back court time as much.” What happened? How does someone go from being greedy to being generous?

It starts with an encounter with Jesus. Generosity is one of the characteristics of our servant God. In Psalm 112:9 the Psalmist writes, “He distributes freely to the poor; his righteousness endures forever. His horn will be exalted in honor.” What we see in Christ is the generosity of God who gives us a savior we don’t deserve. In Christ we get salvation, we get forgiveness, we get adoption. God says that he saves us to display the “immeasurable riches of his grace” (Eph. 2). If you want to grow in generosity all it takes is an encounter with Jesus. So get into the Scripture and read about stories like the one in Luke 19 where Jesus gives up reputation to eat with a known sinner. Read about God’s gift to humanity in sending Jesus. Read about the Holy Spirit who is given to you to comfort and empower you. Our God is a giving God and we his people are to reflect that threw that same generosity.

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