Psalm 103 – Slowing Down To Praise

by | June 25, 2020


My soul, bless the Lord, and do not forget all his benefits. (Psalms 103:2)

Do you sometimes find it hard to bless the Lord? Somedays you’re really not sure how or where to start? And to be transparent—somedays you just don’t feel like it or have any good reason. The psalmist knew the dullness of the human heart toward God, and that’s why he strongly recommended that we forget not all his benefits.

So here’s a helpful and powerful activity to try today: 

  1. Let go of that impulse to click to the next post, email, or move on to another task. 
  2. Take a few moments to slow your thoughts down and pause for a minute. Just one minute. A minute. 
  3. Open Psalm 103. Look at the heading of the psalm. Notice the breaks, the spacing, and the layout of the psalm. 
  4. Focus, expect, and listen for God to speak over you through this psalm. Look for reoccurring words and themes as you pause and think about each truth. 
  5. Let God’s many blessings touch your mind and calm your heart until a desire of gratitude springs from your soul. 

Try not to leave that place, until your attention and the longings of your heart have been captured by God goodness and love toward you. Meditating on all his benefits is a crucial step in blessing the Lord. Practice this each day and you’ll find many reasons to bless your God.

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