Psalm 91 – God The Protector

by | June 13, 2020


The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalms 91:1)

Comfort. That’s what God provides for all of you who trust in him. This Psalm begins with this beautiful line, “The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.” Do you know what that means? It means that God will protect you from harm. It means that God will deliver you from your enemies. It means that God will make sure that justice is accomplished and that you get to witness it. We know that’s what the Bible says but we struggle to believe it because our experiences tell us that we often feel unprotected and many of us have suffered spiritual, emotional, or bodily harm. So what’s this really saying?

This verse is looking at the grand picture. Not just little instances in your life. Throughout life we face hardships and trials but the greatest problem we face is the just judgement of God. We, sinners, deserve no protection from God’s flood of judgement. But, like the loving and gracious God that he is, he shields us from the wrath to come by sending Jesus. It is in Jesus that we find protection because in Jesus we are cleansed, made new, and adopted into the family of God. Knowing that we are protected from so great a punishment we can trust that God will protect us from the little everyday problems that may pop up.

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