Psalm 82 – Powerful Petitions Of Prayer

by | June 4, 2020


“How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Provide justice for the needy and the fatherless; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and needy; save them from the power of the wicked.” (Psalms 82:2-4)

The psalmist begins with a scene where God stands up in his celestial courtroom, pronouncing his judgments on the rulers of this earth (82:1). He calls them “gods” because they’ve been given remarkable authority and exceptional privileges on this earth. And God calls out these leaders for turning a blind eye from the needy, the fatherless, the oppressed, and the destitute (82:3). He condemns them for not standing up for the people they are supposed to serve. And so, God says that he will judge them, unless they change and “provide justice” (82:3). 

God holds the leaders of this world far more accountable than we could ever imagine (82:1). God has given them special positions with the ability to do great good. To create change that makes this world flourish even more. And similarly, God has placed every believer in Jesus Christ with a powerful position.

As Christians, we have powerful access that exceeds having direct contact with the president of a nation, or a supreme court judge, or a seat in Congress. We have a seat with God. As sons and daughters of God, we have been given remarkable abilities.  And as our leaders in this world have the ability to change policies and institutions to make major changes, so do we. We can do this by bringing our petitions before the Highest Official of this world. The One who has greatest power to make true and lasting change. And so, what’s one way that you can use your Christ purchased position to provide justice? Don’t underestimate the powerful petition of your prayers. 

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